About the Project

The Sauna Temple project aims to build a public sauna complex on Harju hill above downtown Jyväskylä. The design is based loosely on architectural drawings by Alvar Aalto for a temple like-sauna, and extends the concept to include a large dome sauna visible from the lake. 
A series of passages and rooms lead through the complex to change rooms, washrooms and an inner courtyard which opens up to two large saunas on the ground floor. From the entrance, a stairwell leads up to the geodesic dome sauna. 
A unique feature of the Temple sauna is the dim lighting throughout the complex. There are only two rooms which allow natural light into the space and the rest of the complex is lit with very dim artificial lighting. 
The idea for the Sauna Temple emerged from a discussion in early 2017 between a group of people including David Rastas, Aapo Reuter, Raisa Nerg, and two others.

Contact Details

Email: info@otherspaces.org
Website: www.otherspaces.org/saunatemple

Jyväskylä, Finland